REFLECTOR by Nate Lights
From 2014 until 2019, Nate Lights was an online gallery for vintage mid modern lighting design founded by Nathan de Beuckeleer and Ben Van den Berghe. The webstore offered a selection of authentic pieces dating from 1940 to 1980, as well as new lighting designs by contemporary visual artists.
The design of artistic luminaries has a rich history that includes a great diversity of positions, methods and approaches, evidenced by countless iconic lamps from both designers and artists. It is in this tradition that over the course of two years, Nate Lights challenged artists to create a lamp as an artwork in a limited edition, for the first time presented in the exhibition REFLECTOR, curated by Ben Van den Berghe at PLUS-ONE Gallery in 2016.
With light sculptures by Nicolas Pelzer (DE), Almudena Lobera (ES), Guillaume Bijl (BE), Erika Hock (DE), Oscar Hugal (BE), Joris Van de Moortel (BE), Tom Volkaert (BE), G. Leddington (UK), Wesley Meuris (BE), Geert Goiris (BE), Koen Sels (BE), Helene Claes (BE) & Zach Bischop (UK), Dirk Zoete (BE), Gijs Van Vaerenbergh (BE), Edi Danartono (DE) and a performance by Ria Pacquée.
On the occasion of the exhibition, the publication >> REFLECTOR (pdf)<< was published in edition of 1000. All images by Alexey Shlyk and Ben Van den Berghe.
Installation views and portraits of the participating artists:
Endless Lamp by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh
Apparatus with Multiple Switches for Operating a Light Bulb, called Hilbert by Oscar Hugal
For The Light by G. Leddington (music by OKTBR)
For The Light (detail) by G. Leddington (music by OKTBR)
For The Light by G. Leddington (music by OKTBR), video by Ben Van den Berghe
The Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation by Wesley Meuris
Night Horse °^° HIHA (detail) by Dirk Zoete
Night Horse °^° HIHA by Dirk Zoete
Evolving Dimensions by Nicolas Pelzer
Levels of Exposure by Almudena Lobera
AN DAS FINANZAMT by Edi Danartono
Composition Trouvée, 2016 by Guillaume Bijl
Elbows & Knees – Table lamp (detail) by Erika Hock
Elbows & Knees – Table lamp by Erika Hock
Studies for »Infinite Tears of Joy« by Tom Volkaert
PH: Philosphy of light (part1/3), documentary about Poul Henningsen that was screened in the basement
Liquid Fire by Joris Van de Moortel
Mirror by Geert Goiris